The Pilates method is a physical and mental training system created by the German Joseph Hubertus Pilates. Joseph Pilates developed this system at the beginning of the 20th century based on his knowledge of different types of physical training such as yoga and gymnastics. Pilates called his method Contrology and defined it as "the art of control" because it seeks control of the mind over the body. It is a combination of exercises that serve to strengthen and stretch with the focus on the deep muscles of the abdomen and back. The philosophy of Joseph Pilates was the development of body and mind in a uniform and balanced way, to achieve good health. Today Pilates is taught in many ways, but only classical Pilates, which we teach at CLUB FIT, follows the original method of Joseph Pilates.
The main characteristics of classical Pilates are defined by the exercises, the set order of the exercises, the flow and the breathing.
First, classical Pilates covers the actual exercises that Joseph Pilates created. A Classical Pilates teacher might use modifications so that, eventually, a client will be able to do the original version of the exercise but knows and explains that this is a preparatory exercise.
Second, Joseph Pilates created a specific order of exercises. This order appropriately warms up the body, challenges body and mind, and cools it down. His order strengthens and stretches the torso, arms and legs in all planes of movement. A Classical Pilates teacher follows this order.
The third main characteristic of classical Pilates is that classical Pilates routines are completed through a gentle flow. Grace, ease and fluidity are the intention Joseph Pilates applied to all exercise. The breathing sets the rhythm, and this is used to flow seamlessly from one position to the next. The connection you feel during sessions and the momentum each movement creates gives Pilates a sense of flowing energy.
Finally, the breathing that is combined with the exercises is the center of the Pilates Method. Deep, controlled breathing activates blood circulation and awakens cells and muscles. Joseph Pilates wrote that breathing is the most integral part of exercise. His intention was that people could return to life through powerful breathing.
Powerful breathing
Joseph Pilates published his book Return to Life Through Contrology in 1945. His intention was to promote internal cleansing and rejuvenation to body and mind. Joseph Pilates calls this the internal shower.
The internal shower can be felt as a special feeling of flush through the body that happens as a result of doing the exercises as they were meant to be performed. Exercise helps pump the oxygenated blood all the way through the body to the furthest capillaries, nourishing them and carrying away old debris. He thought that "every last atom of old air should be squeezed from the lungs" so that fresh, invigorating oxygen could flood the body.
One of the most important things for Joseph Pilates was that people learn how to breathe properly. According to Joseph Pilates “Breathing is the first act of life, and the last. Our very life depends on it. Above all, learn how to breathe correctly.”
If you want
to learn more about classical Pilates and learn how you can enjoy all its
benefits join our Pilates workshops at Club Fit in Jávea. You can choose
between the following dates:
Workshop Level 1: 24/05/2019
, 11:30 - 13:00 or 30/05/2019, 17:30 - 19:00
Workshop Level 2: 31/05/2019 , 11:30 - 13:00
Fee: Members: € 10; Guests: € 15
Limited places.
For further information and registration call us at 865 664 888 / 602 211 051 or email us.